Amigo Amado

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Nome: Amigo Amado
Nome original: Amic/Amat
Ano de lançamento: 1999
País: Espanha
Áudio: Original
Legendas: Português
Diretor(es): Ventura Pons
Atores: Josep Maria Pou , Rosa Maria Sardà , Mario Gas , David Selvas , Irene Montalà , Jordi Dauder , Ángels Sánchez , Tàtels Pérez , Jordi Andújar , Daniel Klamburg , Josep Clarà , Josep Mota , Victor Riverola , Piero Verzello
Gêneros: Drama , LGBTQIA+

88 minutos

Five characters, in an almost race against the clock, argue, struggle and hurt each other. At the same time they discover that there's a fine line between wishes and making them possible with another person. BELOVED/FRIEND is a dense and dark film, that shows these 5 people in an almost sadistic, hard way. In a shattering final everything is resolved and at the same time nothing is accomplished.
